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ESL LESSON PLAN:  Vocabulary Acquisition and Review

As a way of introducing vocabulary terms for Chapter 6, students will complete 33 note cards for each vocabulary word.  On the front of these note cards, students will write the word and draw a picture that corresponds to that word.  On the back of the note card, students will write the definition and a sentence explaining their picture.  After students finish their note cards they will then be responsible for presenting three words (already assigned) from the vocabulary list to the class.  In this presentation, students will say the word, the definition and teach the class a physical response that corresponds to the word.  Following this exercise, students will take notes on the beginning of the American Revolution.  After page one of the notes, students will watch a short clip from the Patriot that shows the division between colonists about whether or not they should go to war.

DATE:  March 1 and 2, 2007

OBJECTIVESThe following state standards will be met in this unit.

(Vocabulary words related to these ideas)
CONCEPT 4: REVOLUTION AND NEW NATION PO 1.  Assess the economic, political, and social reasons for the American Revolution:

  1. British attempts to tax and regular colonial trade as a result of the French and Indian War
  2. Colonists’ reaction to British policy ideas expressed in the Declaration of Independence

Students will receive a large strip of paper to write their three words on and 33 note cards.  Students will then proceed to complete their note cards and presentation.  After 20 minutes of class, students will begin their presentations.  After the presentations, students will watch a scene from the Patriot that discusses whether or not South Carolina should join the war.  If time remains, students will take notes on a lecture about the beginning of the revolution.

LESSON OBJECTIVE(s):  Students will be able to:
Exhibit a physical response for each vocabulary word.
Understand that there was a debate between colonies whether or not to join the war.                   

Lecture Notes:
  1. Lexington and Concord
    1. First major battles between colonists and British
      1. British burned houses and shot at innocent people
    2. In Boston: General Gage issued an order to pardon colonists if they pledged their loyalty to King
      1. No one accepted pardon
      2. Colonists were mad
      3. Established a fort at Bunker Hill and Breed’s Hill
      4. June 17, 1775: British attacked Breed’s Hill
      5. Colonists won
        1. Suffered casualties
        2. Two weeks latter George Washington reorganized troops and seized Boston
  2. Colonies began developing militias
    1. Massachusetts was first colony to take action
    2. Vermont attacked two British forts
          1. Fort Ticonderoga
          2. Fort Crown Point (Canada)
          3. Stole guns and cannons
  3. Second Continental Congress
    1. Philadelphia:  May 10, 1775
    2. John Hancock became President of Congress
      1. Thomas Jefferson from Virginia joined
      2. Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania joined
        1. Returned from England as a colonial agent
    3. Those who wanted peace signed a petition
      1. Loyal to King but wanted fair laws
      2. King refused
      3. What do you think they should do?
    4. Decided that Congress had power to protect citizens
      1. Sent out a plea for help from other colonies
      2. Organized an army
      3. Elected George Washington as commander
      4. Named Benjamin Franklin postmaster of post office
  4. 1775: British built army in Canada to invade New York
    1. Colonies asked for help from the French
      1. French were enemies of British
    2. Decided to attack Quebec and Montreal
      1. Colonists lost
  5. 1776: North Carolina colonists attack loyalists
    1. Won battle
    2. Decreased loyalist’s desire to fight
    3. Raised the spirit of the colonists
    4. Also defeated a naval attack in South Carolina
  6. June 1776: Richard Henry Lee of Virginia suggests separation from Britain at Congress
    1. Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter to Britain
    2. Became Declaration of Independence
      1. Forced to remove clause about free slaves
      2. Passed: July 4, 1776





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